New Carrie Rudzinski Tour Dates

Carrie Rudzinkski is hitting the road (ocean, actually) and will be reading in New Zealand this summer. Er, this WINTER, because that is how New Zealand rolls.

Carrie Rudzinski and Ken Arkind
Wednesday August 24th @ 8pm
Happy Bar
118 Tory St, Te Aro
Wellington, New Zealand

Carrie Rudzinski @ Art On Wednesday
Wednesday September 14th @12:30pm
Auditorium, Sir Geoffrey Peren Building
Massey University
Palmerston North, New Zealand

We do not, as yet, have age/money information for you. But if you live in New Zealand, and you have a hankering for some really good poetry, you should check this out. Carrie and Ken will be able to explain “hankering” for you, at any rate.

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