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Free downloads for the Yellow Buick Review

Microsoft Word files (.zip)

These are the same Microsoft Word files Artie uses for the instructions and screenshots of the Yellow Buick Review, Vol. I.

The most current edition is July 11, 2014. As the project evolves and our workflow improves, we may update parts of this so that whatever you download here matches whatever you're reading at Yellow Buick Review.

HTML files (.zip)

These are the same HTML files Artie uses for the instructions and screenshots of the Yellow Buick Review, Vol. I.

The most current edition is August15 , 2014. As the project evolves and our workflow improves, we may update parts of this so that whatever you download here matches whatever you're reading at Yellow Buick Review.

HTML files 2 (.zip)

These are the same HTML files Artie uses for the instructions and screenshots of the Yellow Buick Review, Vol. I.

The most current edition is Sept 16, 2014. As the project evolves and our workflow improves, we may update parts of this so that whatever you download here matches whatever you're reading at Yellow Buick Review.

Kindle Edition of Volume I

This is the Yellow Buick Review, Vol. I.

You'll need to sideload this file onto your Kindle. ( has instructions for how to do this.) The most current edition is July 31, 2014. As the project evolves and our workflow improves, We may update parts of this so that whatever you download here matches whatever you're reading at Yellow Buick Review.

EPUB Edition of Volume I

This is the Yellow Buick Review, Vol. I. It should work on:

You'll need to sideload this file onto your device unless you're using your tablet/smartphone to read this sentence. The most current edition is July 31, 2014. As the project evolves and our workflow improves, We may update parts of this so that whatever you download here matches whatever you're reading at Yellow Buick Review.


Creative Commons License
Yellow Buick Review by Bicycle Comics is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
